Amaris Hotel Pemuda - Semarang

Basé sur 10 avis


eti j
98 month ago
Pilih hotel ini krn gabung sama dunkin donuts & gramed. Bookworm approved :D
Pitoet N
99 month ago
Cukup murah dan nyaman. Buat business trip enak karena persis ditengah kota
Wringintiyas U
116 month ago
Service Attitude Training Awarness For Frontliners @garudaIndonesia #meetingroom #amarisHotel
Pbw P
117 month ago
Hotel kelas bintang 2, rp. 350 ribuan. Kemahalan karena cuma pantas buat tidur doang., kamar mandi kecil airnya kecil. single bed kecil dan spreinya jorok. Klu budget 350rb cari yg lain
Queen E
125 month ago
Connected to Dunkin Donuts & Gramedia bookstore. Located in Central City and near museum, lawang sewu-icon of Semarang, also some big store and mall. In front of hotel, theres halte busway. Budget one
Lucky S
128 month ago
Not recomanded! Quest by Aston is so much better and cheaper, I've been there. The most "just so-so" experience for budget hotel.
Lidya C
133 month ago
Hotel nya bersih walaupun rada sempit. But overall bagus (y) ada dunkin donuts juga depannya untuk nongkrong
Ayu G
149 month ago
Sbnrnya lmyn untk smart hotel ad gramed'nya pula,tp kl soal service msh sgt krg;srapan mnta dibuat omelete ga dbuatin pdhl ud reminder+org msh stay dikmr msa uda mau drapiin+dijkrta lbh bagus lobbynya
Aufia E
153 month ago
It's connected to Gramedia Bookstore and Dublin Donuts. Also, near a shopping center! So strategic! ;)
Ade S
157 month ago
a very simple hotel with breakthrough function.....Hotel connected with Gramedia plus link with Sonora FM radio...