The Old Zoo

Site historique
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May ♍
57 month ago
Creepiness at its finest! The place is abandoned since mid 1960s of the last century! If you're a thrill seeker take the hike and explore all the old empty cages and the decaying structures. Boo!
Christina D
86 month ago
#GreatHorrorMovieNight at #GriffithPark. #Leatherface is lurking. #Pixie wants to eat his face!!!#TexasChainsawMassacre ... oh my... this could very well be my most favorite horror film.#deharo70
Michael K
87 month ago
It's interesting to see how the "zoo" was before. Makes you appreciate the current facilities animals have now and how far we still need to come.
Jan O
100 month ago
Have a peek in the abandoned zoo. A bit creepy experience. Great photo opportunities.
110 month ago
If you haven’t yet explored the old cages and stone caves of the abandoned Griffith Park Zoo, it’s time to pack your picnic and head to the SW corner of Griffith Park, just past the merry-go-round.
Mick M
130 month ago
It's fun to check out the old Zoo. It's even better when you pack a lunch & bring silly animal masks to take photos in. We bought our masks at Ozzie Dots for like $7
Jinky K
131 month ago
Great area to watch an outdoor play or just have a picnic. It's very clean & the grass are well kept.
Danielle D
152 month ago
One of our favorite places to have a potluck picnic with all our friends! Just keep your drink cooler well-guarded and inconspicuous...
Hé Ré A
154 month ago
One of my favorite easy hikes in LA! It's short & not very steep. Watch out if it's rainy because it will get muddy & slippery.
Idea Monkey, Inc.
155 month ago
In 1912 The Griffith Park Zoo opened featuring 15 animals. It was enhanced and expanded in 1937 by the Federal Works Progress Administration. In 1966 the zoo closed and move to its current location.